Writers and Speakers
I’ve spoken at over 100 community events and gatherings for churches, conferences, and non-profit fundraisers.
I strive to make every presentation entertainingly presented, informative, and effective at motivating change.
You can view sample clips or watch full presentations on YouTube.
And I would be happy to work with you to create a custom message or presentation.
The Case for Life
There is only one question to be answered in the abortion debate: What is the unborn? We can answer the question by appealing to the scientific fact that life begins at conception. We continue by arguing that there is no essential difference between the born and unborn that warrants devaluing the life of the fetus. This article, How to Defend Your Pro-Life Views In 5 Minutes or Less, provides a brief summary of the set of arguments we present.
You will learn to:
1. simplify the abortion issue for those who think it is complex
2. make a scientific and philosophic case for the pro-life view
3. respond to a handful of the most common objections
5 Winning Ways to Argue against Abortion . . . and a few to Avoid
A shorter version of the Case for Life which can be presented in thirty minutes or less.
Audience members will learn to present evidence from science, philosophy, moral reasoning and faith, and how to answer common objections.
Tactics and techniques of persuasion will also be presented, giving a solid ground for pro-life apologetics which are winsome and winning.
Download a printable flyer by clicking the image on the left.
In a Pro-Choice World, You are the Choice
Pro-life Keynote presented from Alaska to Boston and many, many locations in between. This fundraising message mobilizes those not yet personally touched by abortion to motivate them to support the pregnancy help movement by helping them see their role in creating a culture of life. (Women’s groups/Pregnancy Centers/Prolife groups/Adult Bible study/Sanctity of Life Sunday)
My Favorite Things
A plug-and-play women’s event suitable for holiday brunches, fashion shows, etc. which includes a fun and interactive ice-breaker activity and musical finale. Light-hearted presentation which exhorts women to revel in God’s love for us rather than reacting to the mundane and often maddening world surrounding us. (Women’s events/Holiday/Humor) Here’s a quick clip:
Cradle My Heart
Kim’s testimony along with the stories of others gathered through years of ministering God’s healing love to those hurt by abortion. Each story is illuminated as an application of a the dynamics of a particular healing encounter with Jesus Christ in the gospels. (Women’s groups/Pregnancy Centers/Prolife groups/Adult Bible study/Sanctity of Life Sunday). Here’s a short evangelistic testimony from the Minnesota Prayer Breakfast:
Cultivating Joy
How your spiritual fruit can nurture others. This is a meditation on the caregiving journey and facing end-of-life issues with my dynamic and demanding mother. She challenged and cajoled me into more mature faith which made her homegoing a truly joyous event. Filled with humor and evocative of every woman’s need for mothering this is a hit with women’s groups and holiday events. (Women’s events/Mother-Daughter event/Holiday/Humor)
Gifts Galore
A plug-and-play women’s event suitable for holiday brunches, fashion shows, etc. which includes a fun and interactive ice-breaker activity and musical finale. The message encourages women that our spiritual gifts are given to us in order to bless others. Filled with humor about the joys of aging and thriving when God down-sizes your dreams. (Women’s events/Mother-Daughter event/Holiday/Humor)
What People Are Saying
Pro-life Experts:

“Kim Ketola has mastered the pro-life position. She artfully combines compelling pro-life content with a winsome personality aimed at reaching the hearts and minds of her listeners. Kim’s passion is training and her work is simply outstanding! She was one of my top students for a university course in applied bioethics at Oklahoma Wesleyan University. She also completed a pro-life speaking course from Dr. Marc Newman, whose speech and debate teams have won several national championships. Book Kim for your banquet, conference, school or church presentation today! She will deliver a pro-life message that will truly engage your listeners–and make them better pro-life ambassadors. God knows we need them!” Scott Klusendorf
Event Planners:
“Kim Ketola is a passionate, gracious and motivating banquet speaker – touching the hearts of those in her audience. Many donors said she told her story in a way that allowed them to really understand what a woman choosing abortion is truly facing. Not only did Kim help Your Life Matters Pregnancy Center to reach its fundraising goal, she provided an excellent media training for the board of directors and a much needed and appreciated devotional for the staff and volunteers. I would highly recommend having Kim speak both at your banquet and to the board and staff of your center. We were blessed to have her.” Joanne Everson, Executive Director, Your Life Matters Pregnancy Center, Stockbridge, MA

“Kim was terrific to work with. She MC’d our Banquet again this year and did a masterful job. She is a true professional who understands how to relate to a crowd and how to add what needs to be added and delete what needs to be deleted. Kim serves with style, grace, insight, and composure. I hope we get to have her back again!” Will Cossairt, Executive Director of TLC Options for Women of St. Paul MN – an affiliation of 30 pregnancy resource centers
“We had many more comments than in the past–people were really moved. Overwhelmingly positive: ‘The speaker was powerful…I understand abortion in a new way…I now know how to answer the rape or incest argument…Kim’s story was inspiring…Speaker inspired me to get involved to be bold and speak up.’ Thank you for doing a fantastic job for our banquet, Kim!” Connie Riplinger, Executive Director, Pregnancy Help Center of Rice Lake, WI
Audience Members:
“Courageously sharing her pain and path to healing—you will be encouraged and reminded of God’s love” . . . “Inspirational and moving” . . . “Powerful testimony” . . . “A blessing” . . . “Truth, transparency, and humor” . . . “A sensitive and loving story of grace and redemption”
Faculty at the Annual Heartbeat International Conference (2010. 2012-2014, 2016)
Member and Listed on the Speaker Bureau, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association
2010 Annual Conference Faculty and Listed on the Speaker Bureau of Lutherans for Life
Featured workshop presenter for Ruth Graham and Friends (2007-2011)