Beginning October 9 First Christian Church in Phoenix groups will offer hope and healing after abortion. Confidential care for all. Find links to register and more details here.
Christian Chaplains and Coaching Annual Spiritual Care Conference 2023

Kim Ketola presentation Materials
- Spiritual Approach to Reproductive Loss Conference PowerPoint presentation
- Reproductive Grief – What helps
- Reproductive Grief – What hurts
- Perinatal Grief Scale
- Abortion Harm self-assessment
- Permission to Grieve poster from Institute for Reproductive Grief
- Reproductive Grief Care poster from Institute for Reproductive Grief

Focus on the Family is a great place to start the healing journey
Seeking support is a gift you give yourself

Abortion Recovery comes in many forms: helplines, text to chat, virtual and in-person groups, retreats, and private counseling.
NOTE: Many regional and local organizations can be accessed for referral from these national groups. Explore these links to find a good fit
Abortion Anonymous (ABANON) 509-993-4683 Support groups and information
Abortion Hurts. God Heals! Media, healing groups, and referrals
Choose Grace International 804-835-6505 Speaking and curriculum for reproductive loss
Concepts of Truth International Helpline 866-482-5433 Call for confidential help 24/7, group curriculum
Deeper Still Ministries 865-524-3313 Healing retreats
Entering Canaan 914-844-4995 Retreats and prayer support
Fathers and Brothers Ministries International 303-543-0148 (Missing Arrows Bible study pdf) By men for men
Healing Hearts Ministries International 505-355-6922 Healing recovery groups
H3Helpline 866-721-7881 After abortion care and counseling
Hope Alive 717-348-2827 Intensive healing for childhood trauma and abortion
Life Perspectives 619-501-9414 Story sharing and other helps to abortion healing, non-faith based
Men and Abortion 513-729-3600 By men for men, including research and other resources
Operation Outcry 210-614-7157 File an affidavit of abortion harms or other experiences, justice resource
OptionLine Call, message, or text 1-800-712-4357 Find abortion recovery resources
Project Rachel Ministry 202-541-3070 Outreach in local Catholic churches inc priests and laity
Rachel’s Vineyard 877-467-3463 Healing retreats for women and men
SaveOne 615-636-2654 Bible study groups for women and men
Silent No More Awareness Campaign 412-749-0455 Share your story of abortion regret
S.M.A.R.T. Women’s Healthcare – Science Matters in Abortion Related Trauma 775-224-0717 Mental health focus for healing and recovery
Standing with You Pro-life and abortion recovery resource database, includes campus resources
Support After Abortion (SAA) 844-289-4673 Helpline and healing groups and referrals
Surrendering the Secret (STS) Bible study groups
Word of Hope Lutheran Abortion Recovery 888-217-8679 Helpline and recovery referrals