After abortion, one of the most troubling questions is about the eternal state of the children who die. This question may be especially painful if you…
Normalizing and destigmatizing abortion is having a moment right now. Telling your story to encourage laws which will lead to even more lives lost to abortion is really nothing to celebrate.
Young woman in an unwanted pregnancy can legally "get rid of it." The prevailing popular attitude toward problematic pregnancy makes all children potentially disposable.
If these US Senators truly intended to protect women's health through legislation, why are they expanding abortion access while diminishing even the evaluation of practices known to carry great and grave risks to women's health.
A new law in Texas law and a dozen other states prohibits abortion after a prenatal heartbeat can be detected. The NYT seeks to undo the science of human development, denies prenatal biology
Every elective abortion results in the death of a living human being. There is no controversy in the field of embryology. We can argue about when that human life begins to have value. But a prenatal child dies in every abortion. If you support abortion, you support those deaths.